I love sailing, it is where I am happy and at peace, inspired and in command of my destiny. I am blessed, I love Sailing and Life Coaching equally. Why is that important for all of us to have those feelings? We all have a destiny, something we have done or will do with passion and belief, belief in the outcome and belief in ourselves. This was what I learnt from my previous generations, My Grandfather through stories from Mom, from my Grandmother “Nanny” and my Father and my amazing Mother, and family.
I learnt tolerance and forgiveness from my Father, he never could understand teenagers and without his abuse I would never have taken up sailing, can’t hear him from the lakes edge to the boat, and I would have missed over 50 years of my beloved sport. I have set aside what does not serve me to be able and become who I am, as described by Mom, “a thoroughly good and decent man”, a Certified Life Coach and World Class Sailor & registered Captain.
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Here is an interview I did with Ralph Brogden, a great summary of Life Coaching and how it will help you transform your life.
Life changes and stagnates. We have various times in our lives the opportunity to change and transform to the best in the world, in any field or any circumstance. We are all capable of so much, and we can do is with action, conscience change and recognition of our victories and exceptional heart and spirit. We often forget we have super powers and skills, these are our foundations to future success. We get bored with ourselves, our jobs, and circumstances. Most of us are exactly where we need to be, we just don’t know why. Once we figure that out, we are propelled forward.
I love most sports, and I am a participant more than a spectator. I love seeing people leave behind their troubles and seeing themselves as who they are at their deepest self, honorable people, finding their spirit long ago suppressed, sometimes we feel broken, better described as feeling beaten and bruised. Our spirit is formidable and will inspire us when we take action. “I Can” is real.
From Andrew
I love being part of my client’s and their families life transformations.
Clients often don’t realize how different life can become, and this is normal, Rome and Amazon were not built in a day.
- Relationships with Parents – this is huge as many people don’t get on and create a trusting bond early, establish your aging parents are always adults, so they never become your kids, even if you are tempted to think that way
- Past trauma clouding your present and future – we identify and work through
- Acceptance of being put down, and you know this is not right – where did this start, change the narrative.
- Hording – Isn’t this the most magical transformation! The home had a fire, and was full to the brim, I mean 7′ tall piles of newspapers and stuff right throughout the home. There had been several attempts to work with the owner to get the home cleared out by family members, each time the 40′ skip bins would turn up, some junk would make it in to the bin, but predominantly the bins would be sent away empty. The house had a fire and was under threat of being demolished under Washington DC ordinances, if this was not resolved. Can you see a $500,000 difference in the property or more? As you can see, we resolved the issue, in doing so healed a family relationship and created wealth for the family.

My Input
# Each session is closed off at the end, meaning we don’t open up an issue and leave it as an anxious spot in your mind. So, to achieve this, there is a tight structure of each session that is held too as much as possible.
# Do we talk for hours on end about the each item, re-living every moment… hell NO!
…. this is actually a great time to expand.
We don’t aim to remove memories … although I have had people who once a moment is dealt with .. that’s it, not talking about it again .. we look to identify the pain points and lessen the impact of those thoughts, and high light the moments in time you were happier .. often it is finding the positive moments that were great at the time because we can forget those, and be painting a memory worse than it needs to be.
Book Your Free Clarity Session Here
Note: You are a unique soul and you have all your answers inside you. Should you chose to work with me, you will discover how much you already know, how you know your purpose and your dreams, and you will work through “Clearing the fog” of other people’s expectations. You’ll feel the stress leave your body as you realize this is true. You’ll discover your own inner strength and power is far stronger and more enlightening than anyone else’s ideas for you, because the only person in this world who knows everything about you, is you. You are magnificent.”